The new “Fifth Force” is actually the “First Force”!

This morning the headlines were full of the announcement by particle physicists of the Sigma 4.3 near-confirmation of the existence of a new force in fundamental physics that defies the 50-year-old Standard Model. This is a matter of great significance in more ways than the public suspects and even than the science world supposes. And it could hardly have been more timely.

We know four fundamental force interactions in physics: gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. Call these latter the “quantum field” and we actually draw closer to the underlying basis of the issue at hand here.

I will hold off from addressing the question of the “unified field theory” that would purport to unite these four forces. Clearly, if such should be proposed (and already some have been) — then it would have to include the alleged new fifth force too.

When charged particles travel very fast, as they do in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, or at Fermilab near Chicago — they invoke several physical forces: inertia of course, due to their immense velocity close to light speed; electromagnetism which accelerates them thanks to supercooled superconducting magnets, as well as electromagnetic radiation emitted by a fast-moving charge; and the nuclear forces involving particle decay.

As has been long observed (since 1947), the high-velocity muon also precesses like a gyroscope spinning at an angle, which we also observe in NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy.

Here is where the issue of an extra force acting on the muon begins to enter the picture: for, already from about sixty years ago, it was seen that the muon precesses slightly slower than expected. This has been attributed to virtual photon emission and reabsorption — with some of the virtual photons in the femtoseconds of their existence also decay into other particles.

The effect is very small but significant, and has been noticed and studied with curiosity. For this purpose among others, experiments at particle accelerators have continued to probe the behavior of the tiny, odd species.

Interestingly, computer modeling at the BMW experiment in Germany produced results that closely matched the observed data, which might tend to contradict the excitement of a new discovery that would challenge the long-standing hegemony of the vaunted Standard Model. Thus far, however, fully currency has not been accorded to the computer modeling experiment, so that the verdict is still out.

The Standard Model has been compiled in a combination of empirical data and theoretical calculations. Ad hoc variables abound in particle physics, but the science delivers reliable results of unprecedented accuracy, so that it remains, like Goliath, unchallenged up to now.

Enter Theory of the Physical Vacuum, the brainchild of Russian scientist Gennady Shipov and a host of his like-minded thinkers both in Russia and around the world. I spoke with the genius just this morning about the new discovery; his response was that “theoretical physics has incurred an unwanted 100-year-long debt to empirical quantum mechanics.” In other words, because theory in quantum physics, itself, has been riding upon experiment evidence, it stands, not as a true, deductive theory in the original Platonic sense, but is largely contrived from “what we see happening” — without being able to explain the underpinnings of the subatomic world, namely, of reality itself.

“Reality.” “What is real?” was a frequent question one heard bantered about on college campuses in the 1970s, but not so much these days — as if one had nothing better to do. However, the students were onto a point: The substance of our tangible world rests upon foundations which we do not understand and cannot adequately model nor observe. The essence of “reality” remains a mystery.

Shipov’s physics present a Reality in seven levels, proceeding from entirely transcendental (the “Absolute Nothing” reminiscent of St. Augustine’s “creatio ex nihilo“) through esoteric realms (which we could call the “spiritual world”) to the unobservable quantum vacuum (the “Physical Vacuum” where executive “decisions” about materialization and manifestation of particles are somehow performed), and finally to the four levels of familiar, tangible reality (plasma, gas, liquid, and solid).

“Life” enters in there at the molecular level, and as matter congregates into cells, at some point we define inanimate material as having made the transition to “living organisms” in a type of “deus ex machina” tacitly invoked even in modern material-centered science. The essence of life is explained in Theory of Physical Vacuum.

We move on up to “consciousness” that indubitably appears at the human level — though New Age types would attribute consciousness to all sentient beings, even down to plants and ultimately subatomic particles at their level. For, in quantum mechanics, the particles themselves exhibit “free will” — do they not? Theory of Physical Vacuum holds that consciousness is a universal attribute of our universe at all levels, and derives from the Source itself in the “First Reality” (which we would unabashedly name “God”).

Now at this point, it would seem foolish to innocently and naively call this “new fifth force” “God.” Indeed, the deed has already been done with the Higgs Boson, that was dubbed the “God particle” — from which scientists have of course distanced themselves. The Higgs Boson was a suggestion that we were onto something big, deep, and fundamental. However, this new fifth force comes a sight closer to that Holy Grail: (the What?!)

I will make a momentary detour: what is the derivation of the term “holy grail” which means the vaunted, long-sought goal of a knight-errant’s quest, presumably never achieved? Indeed, the root word is “sang real”, a medieval French term that means “holy blood”, referring to the supposed, mythical “lineage of Christ” upon this earth among secretive bearers of this treasure. The idea appears in the film Da Vinci Code. “Sang real” became “san greal” which is close to “Holy Grail” — “san” being “holy” and “grail” being interpreted as a “chalice” that mystically contains Christ’s blood.

How then does the “Holy Grail” connect to the “new fifth force”? In fact, there is a common sense evident here. In the religious world, some fringe groups have continued to search for the legacy of Christ here on earth — which was in fact one motivation for the Crusades of the 11th and 12th centuries. It harkens of a promise of wonderful fulfillment of God’s promise to mankind in the glorious, ideal Kingdom to come.

Likewise, in physics, too, there is a quest to find the “Unified Field Theory” that Einstein unsuccessfully sought; as well as a quest to discover new physical laws that go beyond the ascendancy of the bastion of the Standard Model in particle physics. To find either or both of these two rather idealistic prizes would be tantamount to fulfilling the dream of physics.

Interesting indeed, how regular people — the “man on the street” — are highly interested in abstruse physics. Voters won’t hesitate to spend untold billions on space excursions to plant a rover on Mars or to find an elusive tiny particle. We are still on the bent of our medieval predecessors. We are still tilting after windmills with Don Quixote! We cherish our dreams!

Then how close are we to fulfilling our most cherished dreams? Very close, you’d be surprised!

The Messiah, long awaited by Christians and, under other titles, also by Moslems, Jews, Buddhists, Confucianists, and Communists even — is already here, as a real person on earth. What? No one told us. Jesus said, “If anyone tells you, go look in this closet — don’t go there.” That’s a paraphrase, but essentially was His warning to be sure. In other words, it’s not a secret to whisper about, but rather a publicly known and well-advertised fact.

Fact? What if someone doesn’t believe it if you told them? Then, for that person, it is not a fact. In other words, the “truthfulness” of a statement, whether in religion or in science, depends to some extent on whether it is accepted by people at large and by the powers-that-be.

Many false messiahs have tried to establish their hegemony by force, but their conquests can never convince people of their rightfulness; only of their power, money, or cultural influence.

Likewise in science. Science seems well established, a body of tightly woven, indisputable facts. However, science also has its threadbare and nebulous zones: What occasioned the “Big Bang”? What guides evolution? Why is the universe expanding at an ever-accelerating rate? What is the foundation of matter and energy? And, the “hard question of consciousness” remains unanswered. Did I mention dark matter and energy, making up about 96 percent of the universe?

See? We don’t know it all.

The Hebrew bible starts with “In the beginning, the Lord God fashioned the heavens and the earth…” We wave that off without even bothering to be polite. However, that simple one phrase contains the primary entranceway to the Unified Field Theory! Was it a lie, which the old-timers believed? No; that was a true statement — yet we have yet to take it seriously.

The universe works, and that is an observable fact. Unless, I suppose, we’re actually living in a “virtual reality” set up by this same God… something the movie Matrix suggests. The fact that it all works so well is very perplexing, tempting us to consider questions of “design” or “teleology.”

Now is the time of fulfillment. All things are coming together. Acts in the New Testament speaks of these times of restitution of all things. It is now. Few would doubt that we live in the “Last Days”, though some would dispute that it is a time of total destruction. Chaos, yes….

Then things must come together. After the chaos, the new reign of goodness. Not a reign of power but of truth, love, goodness, order. Not enforced law and order but natural, spontaneous, conscientious compliance with natural laws written into our psyche, our being.

Truth will out. That applies to court cases, and justice in general, and on a longer scale — universal justice (for which religious people would look to Heaven or Hell). But also in science. In other worlds, the heralded “Last Days” will also bring truth in science — namely, the solution to the Unified Field Theory, and, yes, the resolution of the Standard Model. Not overthrowing a good instrument that works, but fine-tuning it, discovering the missing common link that connects all the particle zoo as one.

Then what is that “missing link” in particle physics? Here it is… hold your breath…..

INERTIA! None other than this most obvious and oft-ignored force that everybody experiences every day. The inertial force is the unifying force, and in fact is the underlying “new fifth force.”

Inertia, in a humanistic sense, is the most staid, conservative, slow to change of all social factors. People, like objects, resist change.

So, in fact, the fact, the truth, and the relationships are rather complicated, as would be expected.

If truth is truth, it should all be able to be derived deductively and intuitively from “One” by using reasonable logical principles. There should be a minimum of “fudge factors” in the mix. For each empirical, arbitrary variable implies a “designer” who “tweaked” the laws of physics in the beginning to make it all work. We wouldn’t want to invoke a “Designer”, would be? That smacks of “Intelligent Design” — an absolute No-No in modern science. I wax ironic here. For there is indeed a Designer, called variously “God”, the “Absolute Nothing”, “Ultimate Reality”, “Jehovah”, or “Our Heavenly Parent.”

God did intend, plan, design, hope for, support, and love our world. But God is reasonable and follows His/Her own principles and rules. So there is a minimum of arbitrary tampering on God’s part. If He/She can help it, that is.

For God did send Christ, and now in his Second Coming…

All things are close to fulfillment now.

Almost as a post-script, allow me to list a few of the things which must be fulfilled in our times:

  1. Manifestation of God’s Christ or Messiah.
  2. Revelation of the more complete truth as promised.
  3. Salvation not only in spirit but substantially.
  4. World peace and harmony.
  5. Spontaneous subduing or transcending of sin and evil on all levels.
  6. Reconciliation among religions, races, nations, peoples, -isms.
  7. Uniting East and West.
  8. Uniting North and South.
  9. Overcoming poverty, inequality, injustice and oppression.
  10. Uniting Heaven and Earth.
  11. Reuniting God and Man.
  12. Reuniting men and women.
  13. Solving the energy problem by realizing cosmic free energy.
  14. Solving the various environmental crises (pollution, damaging the biosphere, depleting resources, extinction of species).
  15. Solving the Unified Field Theory.
  16. Overcoming the language barrier — unifying humankind’s languages.
  17. Reuniting North and South Korea as well as other divided peoples.
  18. A world government under God (what sort of economic and political system?).
  19. Many other problems to be solved, with collaboration of both heaven and earth.
  20. Expanding a redeemed human race to the planets, stars and galaxies.
  21. Establishing peaceable diplomatic relations with other galactic civilizations, if such exist.

About William Stoertz

Teacher of English, Philosophy, Western Culture, and History of Science. Conversant in five or six languages. Investigating the Unified Field Theory (found it!) and Theory of Everything (working on it!).
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