“Fix him.”

Subtitle: “Make a new earth.”

In the Bible (Rev. 21:1) “I saw a new heaven and a new earth”.

I was talking with Fujiko-san, actually a little depressed, for I couldn’t find one to share my heart with. Then I thought of Jane and Christie whom I can open up my mind to, and they read my essays. The problem among people is that we don’t listen to nor accept one another’s mind.

Then I thought of Kate, my spiritual mother. Our relationship is such that it’s good that we’re far away, because we’re so fond that anything is possible. I solved the problem by being a woman.

On my computer screen, a virtually endless series of all manner of picture was scrolling. The moment I stepped into the room Mars photos were showing. That gave me a great idea.

On the toilet, I sometimes have a hard time getting something going, either No. 1 or No. 2 way. But just yesterday I finally found a solution, based on Heaven-and-Earth Union, which is also a Man-Woman Union. My woman self resides in my right brain and my male identity in my left. Your right hemisphere, which is about intuition, feeling, music, art, and emotion, controls your left side. In our world left-handed people are a minority. The left brain deals with logic, math, language, and rationality. Clearly a man’s world. In a male and intellect-dominated world, most people are right-handed.

But in me there is unity. Man and woman are together in me, absolutely one, completely united. So I decided to use that principle to solve my urination and excretion stoppage, and it works very well! With my left hand I fondle my scrotum. That is woman caressing man’s sexual organ. And my right hand goes up to my left breast, which is noticeably bigger. Man is massaging woman’s breast. Ah, i feel that unity and synergy, and right away it comes, relieved and happy. I’m a hundred percent sure I’m the very first person in human history to discover this secret.

I’m triangulating. Now I’ll talk about the thought train that led to the major title today. A couple days ago I heard the neighbors mutter through the wall, “He ought to go to the hospital.” I guess they saw me somehow, with their laser or alpha particle radar. I don’t mind; I can use all these things to witness. The first place I witness is to our own Church. What they observed could be physical (I lie in bed several hours at spells during broad daylight; and I have visible difficulty standing up and maintaining balance; also stuff is scattered all over the room, a total wreck. And I plainly appear to be masturbating, which usually is based on frustration.). Now the spiritual side (they seem to be aware of our Heaven-and-Earth Blessing, but it is non-standard. Now I’m pioneering a new way for such couples to be happy, where one has ascended. But they may suppose I have serious mental problems, somewhere between neurosis, Aspergers, autism, and psychosis). And if they peer down from above, they would see I am munching, drinking coffee or juice, watching girlie or aviation pictures, and picking my nose often—and this is reported to Headquarters, and it goes to Rev. E Gi-seong (whose Nemesis i am), and he speaks of these things, without mentioning names. Definitely a classic case for the psychic ward.

Then today the Good Word i heard (not from God but from people) is “Fix him.”

For an existentially attuned person, everything has meaning. I am totally aware of everything going on on all sides, including the spirit world. A karate master is like a mudang—he can close his eyes, and catch an arrow flying toward him. Like that. That’s sort of a type of direct dominion.

So, “fix him” as in Wreck-It Ralph who turns out to be a major fixit fellow. If I need to visit the hospital, that implies that I need to be fixed. What better way than to fix myself?

Fujiko-san said I need exercise. But, I know myself that, when I mope in the doldrums, it’s because, as in Disney’s Ratatouille, Critic Anton Ego said, “What I need is a taste of inspiration. Hit me with it!”

Now we come around to home plate which is where we start: Stepping into my den, Mars was in the sights. Then I was sitting on the toilet seat massaging myself, and the inspiration came:

Mars is like a second earth. There was that great movie The Martian which was after all a bit depressing, sort of the genre Interstellar. Great sci-fi stories have a pessimistic aspect to them.

But I am by no means a pessimist! “Every challenge is an opportunity!” It turns out that Lzzy Hale, guitarist of a hard rock band, said that.

What’s the name of that dystopian movie where they terraform Mars? 1990 Total Recall.

In The Martian, Mark Watney is abandoned on the surface, survives by growing potatoes, and figures out a way to launch himself into orbit to be retrieved. In the final scene, as a wise elder in a wheelchair, he is honored as a great hero, encouraging young students with his testimony.

So now mankind has set our sights on Mars, the second home of humanity. Arguably, humans originally evolved on Mars, but then the climate became unlivable because the planetary core stopped spinning and generating a magnetic field, so the ionosphere shell collapsed, and the solar wind began to erode the atmosphere and the oceans. Now it is a salty desert with just traces of water under the surface, but every indication that there used to be rivers, lakes and seas.

But that also means that it is theoretically possible to terraform Mars. In fact, one of my CSIA students, Lee Hang-Woon, was accepted to MIT based on his vision of terraforming Mars, and I wrote him a glowing, visionary recommendation!

Now I’ll share what an optimistic dreamer I am: At age seven I decided I wanted to become a neurosurgeon, and began to read every book I could find on medicine, the brain, human anatomy, biochemistry. I memorized the names of all 206 bones in the human body in Latin.

But later I became inspired by the Gemini and Apollo missions of NASA, and decided to become an astronaut. For that, I had to learn to fly an airplane first. So I set out to do that, and soloed at age sixteen. But then God suddenly told me to stop. There were reasons I understood.

In college I was depressed, lacking a sense of purpose. Finally, after four years of quest, I felt my purpose was “To contribute to the well-being of mankind through science and technology.” Yet at the same time I felt a future working in a laboratory was empty for me. I saw a dream of a staircase rising up into the sky, each step one year in my school career. But the stairs disappeared in fog at about what would be my third or fourth year of college, and dropped off to nothingness. I took the warning that this kind of academic pursuit would be meaningless.

In fact I got a full scholarship to Rensselaer Polytechnic University in Rochester, which seemed ideal for me—but my parents wanted me to go to Antioch College. So I submitted to their wish. That actually turned out to be the right thing, for it placed me in an ideal position to meet our Church, and I met the IOWC in Germany in 1975, joining full-time in November the same year.

I had told my spiritual parent, “My purpose is… (as I cited above).” He looked at me like I was crazy. No one had such a well-formed answer prepared right off the cuff for such a question. He countered, “No! The purpose of your life is happiness!” Anyway, I followed him, for I could feel their innocent good nature. I had come home at last.

Right now I am foot-loose and fancy-free, having retired after Hyojeong Academic Foundation closed its doors due to the assassination of Prime Minister Abe. Anyway, at HJAF I had come to my dream, the full explication, development, and outworking of the Unified Field Theory, which I had sought since age 7 in 1961. I found it through prayer, based on Unification Thought. Then, some years later in 2017, I met Yuri Lee who knew about it too, and connected me to Dr. Gennady Shipov, who had worked out the theory and the math (though God was a vague abstraction in his theory). So Dr. Jin Sung-Bae and I worked out how to weave Theory of Physical Vacuum with Unification Thought, and now we have a complete theory linking Heaven and Earth!

A basic principle is that we cannot jump off the earth to substantially populate other planets until we first work out our human problems here on earth—sin, crime, racism, sexism, poverty, injustice, unrighteousness, inequality, exploitation, and war. The only solution for that is True Parents. If True Parents had been accepted in 1945, history would have been entirely different. No Cold War, no concentration camps in Siberia, no COVID-19, no 9/11, no Fundamental Islamic terrorists!

But because my lineage had a foundation and my parents were determined to save the world, God had enough condition to give birth to me as a potential Messiah without original sin. Because I have obeyed God all my life without faltering, I could implement that destiny by uniting with True Parents.

In other words, only when humankind is ready can we jump off to Mars and substantially colonize it and terraform the Red Planet to become a livable environment for human beings. But first we have to solve our problems here.

Now is the Last Days and the war of Gog and Magog is going on fiercely.

Once peace is established and True Parents are accepted by people everywhere, we shall see a “New Heaven and New Earth.” That will be a task for future generations, but I prophesy it.

Furthermore, such a thing must be on the foundation of the Heaven-and-Earth Unification and East-West (Cosmic, Global) Unification, which we also pioneered.

About William Stoertz

Teacher of English, Philosophy, Western Culture, and History of Science. Conversant in five or six languages. Investigating the Unified Field Theory (found it!) and Theory of Everything (working on it!).
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2 Responses to “Fix him.”

  1. Small🌏 says:

    NICE post and blog, I started

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  2. I love what you wrote! And i realize i also have been poisoned with negativity of sorts, so, even encountering it in others, i must beware not to be poisoned like that, but to stay pure and innocent like a child, a flower, with true love and peace in my heart.

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