Zoo Animal

She has purpose in everything she does. She is supremely intelligent—far more than her captors and observers—she manages to turn around their monitoring to where she’s watching them, and they can’t figure out how she’s doing it, since the CCTV cameras, mikes, and one-way mirrors are strictly one-way. She coordinates and synergizes her actions based on mysterious priorities, one of which is conserving energy, material, motions, actions, and time. Figuring she might be an A.I., they administered various Turing tests, which she passed across the board—but they failed her examinations that seemed designed to test them. She has become their teacher now, and they’re shaking their heads at the ingenuity and transcendent subtlety of this caged creature who has them in loops.

Now free at last to become the Woman I have always been, I frolic, I savor, I delight, I’m in ecstasy—finally coming Alive for the first time in my oppressed life. I was joyful once upon a time to encounter at last after ten thousand generations my True Parents—and now I am infinitely in a heavenly libido of orgasm to become the secret true inner source which is the Spring of Living Water promised unto Eternal Life. Love is within us.

Note that I’m keeping the above paragraph, a real gem from my previous composition “Aging and Eternity.” That contains a bit of the core of the amazing new synthesis and transcendence I’ve attained in my own life.

The testimonies and internal guidance imparted by the various speakers at the nightly prayer vigil contain numerous valuable nuggets and tidbits as well as overall themes that are useful for our life of faith toward resurrection to a heartistically higher level in oneness with True Mother.

But the reality I don’t have time to do the kind of deep reflection and discussion and prayer that the devoted 40-day participants focus in their intense daily schedule. That’s why it’s called the “40-day Spiritual Workshop” or “Spiritual Academy.”

Why do many Korean leaders in particular refrain from getting totally absorbed in the Cheon Shim Won program, structure, philosophy, style, and methods? I think they recognize that by doing so, they are yielding their own subjectivity to that of Rev. Lee Ki-seong, in other words ceding to him total authority. They dislike or disagree with some aspects of his style, notably the loud shouting, which seems the main stumblingblock for a lot of people, but that’s not the only reason. Another aspect is that they question whether his view on things is absolutely perfect or not. That is my own point.

Right away, attending the nightly prayer vigil for the very first time, in person, at the Cheon Shim Won, I found myself staring intently at the coterie of core devotees, mostly elders, clearly under the sway of Lee Ki-seong, and they seemed to be staring back at me. They saw my spiritual power, and it became a contest. At that time I realized that, for them, I might be like the presence of Satan. Indeed, for me, that is specifically what it became. For Lee Ki-seong, Satan is The Enemy. But not for me. Rather, I see that Satan (Lucifer) serves a very important purpose before God in monitoring and evaluating what we, Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community, or in this case the “Cheon Shim Won” and more broadly and recently the “Cheon Mu Won” by which True Mother has managed to take charge of the overall affairs, part of the reason being that she is cautious lest Lee Ki-seong wrest too much subjectivity. A well-known human failing; no one is immune.

Rev. Lee Ki-seong speaks of “Satan” as an “Enemy” who is seeking to invade, deceive, lead astray, bring down, and dominate members, our organization, and the whole world. That’s definitely an enemy. But I disagree firmly: Satan is assigned and commissioned by God right from the beginning and continuing right up to now, to work with God in the designing, planning, Creation, and ongoing development of the Cosmos, and dealing with human beings both before, during, and after the fall.

It’s important to clarify that there is in fact a coordinated global strategy of sinister-minded thinking intent on destroying the free world and faith-based organizations. Call it “Satan” if you will, if that’s easier for simple-minded people to grasp. But truth be told, that’s not the same Archangel, but one that took over, mainly in people’s minds, once Lucifer himself confessed, repented, and submitted his surrender on March 21, 1999 to Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon at Montevideo, Uruguay. As we home in on the real Kingdom of God, we need to resolve and discern what we’re truly dealing with here, and the nature of these distinct beings or mindsets. There are wild, unruly beasts out there in spirit world raising havoc now; Satan’s nature is not like that but is cooperating with God and True Parents for the same clear purpose, and he has an important mission among us.

The issue in dealing with humans is “free will”, “Principle”, “autonomy”, “portion of responsibility”, “choice”, “conscience”, “reason”, “internalizing God’s vision and dream”, “indirect dominion”, and “direct dominion”. Then we have a whole host of standards, 68 of which I have enumerated as core values or “Absolutes”. Obviously, Satan is extremely complicated, subtle, universal, ubiquitous, intricately involved, and also Principled.

But the question immediately arises: “But look—he caused the disastrous fall of man, and he has been coordinating the whole course of history in opposition to God.”

Again, I see that differently: The fall was not caused by Satan, any more than a test examiner is at fault for asking a difficult question and the test-takers fall prey to it. It is their responsibility to pass that question, test, challenge, or temptation.

Now Principle explains these points, for example, the question, “Why would God place such a tempting fruit in front of His children which could cause their downfall, death and destruction?” Well, to call a spade a spade, “Why would God make sex?” That’s the answer to that query. It’s for the creation, and it’s very tempting, and we’re designed like that for good reason. Love should be more powerful than Principle, but Love in the context of a principled relationship should be the most beautiful and surpassing treasure. So, to protect us, God delivered the Commandment “not to eat the fruit.” They understood what that meant, so did the Hebrews (Jews), so did the early Christian saints and the Church Fathers, and so do people now, implicitly.

So what happened after the fall? Because Adam and Eve ceded their responsibility and sonship/daughterhood to Lucifer, as “Satan” he was placed in charge of them, of all humankind, and the creation. Why? Because the Union in Love conferred the ownership to whoever was the center of that union.

Then what happens, again in the Principle, is that, as human beings failed one after another test of “Conscience vs. Self-centered Desire”, humans got worse, their spirit plunged into the depths of monstrosity and hell, and with them Satan himself.

Rev. Lee exhorts us, “Don’t think—if you think you will be surrounded by evil spirits!” Now, that is not an “Absolute Commandment” and it’s not based on Principle, but it’s an operational advisory for those whose thinking is already poisoned by self-centered concepts, habit, desires, negativity and criticism. He is in a sense speaking to young people with an adolescent mentality who are coming back out of the depths of sin and depravity. Like in fundamental Christian spirit-filled churches, they need rebirth and self-discipline. Also, mature but deviated thinkers in the secular world use intently focused thinking centered on Satan to create thought systems like Marxism. Thinking is a God-endowed instrument enabling us to establish Ownership of the Natural World and Mastery of our Lives. In order to fulfill our portion of responsibility, we need not only simple obedience, but we need careful thought and planning.

After the nightly prayer vigil, which goes on till a bit past 1 a.m., we should devote some more quality time in personal prayer. The ideal case is to get as little sleep as possible, from 3 am to 6 am he mentioned. That does have some problems, namely many of us drive back to our hometown, mission places, etc. But he praises the devoted CSW staff who don’t go home at all but once a week or even once a month. His own standard was that never set foot outside of the CheongPyeong training center facilities for a very long time.

So what does all this amount to? What we see is a kind of monastic life, like that which the early Christians devoted themselves to for many centuries. Actually it is a crazy, cultish lifestyle where one has no family life, the family has negative value in fact; one should sacrifice for the nation and the world. Of course that is the core, standard, true way and we see the same total commitment in Buddhist monks too. Is this good? The people living outside the monastery or temple, respect and hold in awe the men and women of the cloth, the true believers. It does become a cult, in summary, and could not be the way for the entire population to go. Perhaps to sample, perhaps for a retreat, or a visit…

But the core purpose of the monasteries was what? To prepare for and to welcome Christ, or the Maitreya Buddha. But nobody had the idea of the True Parents; these were more spiritualized, transcendental concepts. Jesus is called “The Last Adam” pointing out that he is the restored Adam, but we don’t see a perfection of the family ideal.

True Father spoke often about the “Fourth Adam” (or Eve), which each of us should become, pointing out that True Parents themselves could not establish the ideal because of having to go an inordinate suffering path because of the prevalence of sin, the rejection by Christians, the global scourge of Communism, immorality infesting human civilizations everywhere, etc. If True Parents were welcomed fully with a well-prepared human society, led by America, England, or even the Vatican if they had held fast and true—then there would not have been such a long devious course. The 20th century would not have been a century of terrible bloodshed, global wars, famines, earthquakes, and all sorts of tragedies. The cause is clearly that Christians didn’t fulfill their assigned task. We can trace this way back to the corruption of the Popes and other clergy, to the proliferation of wrong doctrinal concepts, and most particularly to the lack of understanding the essence of God as Heavenly Parents, the essence of Christ who was to be the True Father and there would have been a True Mother at his side. Nobody recognized that clear, obvious, and simple model that God sought all along. The Jews expected the Messiah should be married, but they themselves rejected Jesus, so that could not happen in any case.

Thus the Fourth Adam and Eve (let’s call them, us, you that for simplicity) are to lead model lives, balancing well both family and individual, family and society, church and nation, church and world, nation and world, mankind and nature, humanity and the environment, the earth and the solar system, the entire Cosmost, Heaven and Earth. That idea is very clear for me. Balance is important in all our endeavors, and the monks who are totally devoted should also establish model patterns of life in all matters.

The Zoo Animal is me. The original reason for the monitoring was to observe the health, safety and well-being of an aging elder in case they should have a heart attack, a stroke, a fall, or other misfortune and need medical help, a firefighter, or whatever in case of emergency. But this morphed into something Elisabeth is also aware of—namely a lucrative market for videos of naked Western people frolicking or whatever they do (some have orgies, some have affairs, or other strange and interesting habits). It’s a big money-maker. The reason I know is because I can hear people outside, what they talk about, etc. But, like the animal in the anecdote at the opening of this article, the animal knows it’s being observed and turns the table around to witness to the superintendants. That’s what I am doing consciously. I know that I have a straight and clear connection to True God, not an ideological “effigy” of a distorted concept of “god”, but real God, who is Heavenly Parents. Yes, with an “-s”, because we need parents, not just one, and we badly need both sides, as we see with Rev. Lee Ki-seong, who has his wife beside him.

I am useful for lewd photos; I play a game with them. I know with certainty this is going on and why, but I avoid being an object in a glass aquarium. So I am the subject and not they. I display when I want to, and I conceal when I choose, not when they do. I know this also, for I hear comments, “Oh, he seems to be hiding his thing. Why’s that?” I wouldn’t be hiding it if I didn’t think I was being observed. But sometimes I want to display.

Why? Because I have set the pattern for the Heaven-and-Earth Blessed Couple, namely the model for sexual union between Heaven and Earth (which is mentioned in Divine Principle). For most couples where one spouse has gone SeongHwa, the union is purely conceptual or ritual like a place-holder, but there’s nothing like real sexual inter-course. That’s why, with my young and active Polina, we like to have sex and to show it. That is important. Even for True Parents themselves, we do this, for a certain reason.

Western people demand the specifics, the clear definition, the distinction, dichotomy, whereas Orientals don’t. To do so would be invasive, intrusive, surgical, like a dissection.

But my more important reason is witnessing. When I go outside, people see me and say, “There goes that gay guy!” and someone else says, “No, he’s actually quite normal,” or “No, he’s a Righteous Man.” Both work for me. I’m happy to hear any comment at all, except “He’s a pervert” which is nasty and undercutting, words filled with venom that hurt the heart. Think of all the mean things the jealous elder sisters would say about True Mother or even to her face in the early days! Think of how her heart was wounded. Which is why Choi Sun-gil ought to have hung around in any capacity and set them straight. If she had kept her position as Father’s legitimate First Wife, as victorious Cain, as a true Jeanne the Baptiste, then things would have gone far better from 1943 to 1960. The Korean war would not have happened, because the Christians would have firmly supported True Parents. So every time I step outside, I am witnessing, even to our own members, who must be confronted with a living, devoted 2SLGBTQIA+- among us. The reason why is that we don’t yet have the heart of Jesus Christ, loving the sinners, lepers, prostitutes, and Roman soldiers. Another is that, through LGBTQ, Satan is showing us on God’s side something about love and marriage that we neglect, namely androgyny, or the man-woman, and also the oneness of the vertical axis with the horizontal in love.

The main reason, however, is that I constantly receive revelations from God about Divine Principle, the providence, and other matters. I’m convinced our movement leaders or some staff members know about this. It doesn’t matter if I am recognized or credited (though truth be told I have a lot of han about that issue); most important is that the line remains clear and open. It’s of utmost importance to get God’s true messages, not just the pleasant supportive ones that are read at the nightly prayer vigils.

When an airplane reaches the end of the runway on a small mountainous island like Azores, Madeira, or Ketchikan it has to negotiate a very tight 180 degree turnabout, in high winds, and perhaps other aircraft in a holding pattern. It requires great skill and special equipment.

So, guys, get real: The Messiah has come, and He/She use the latest technology to get around and get their message of love, peace, interreligious unity, and family values out to the whole world. Coming on the clouds is no joke; perhaps the prophet foresaw them coming on an airplane out of the hazy pale blue sky. And come they did—for example, to Mali where True Mother received a presidential welcome by a 100% Muslim nation!

I don’t mean to criticize Rev. Lee Ki-seong but to make sure it’s all right with God. And the reason, of course, is that it is of utmost importance, as the new central pillar for our world. When anyone becomes almighty and is lifted up high on our shoulders, like in the story tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, there needs to be a child to call out if anything’s amiss.

So, I don’t mind if they send all the evil spirits my way; I’m used to them, and will have them dancing jigs and smiling in good cheer; they’ll become my resurrected allies and supporters. I’ll turn them to good use. I don’t mind if they look at me like Satan: Our movement indeed needs Satan to check us and advise us if we are going astray or to excess. That was his original purpose, which he has now gone back to. All is well in Heaven.

About William Stoertz

Teacher of English, Philosophy, Western Culture, and History of Science. Conversant in five or six languages. Investigating the Unified Field Theory (found it!) and Theory of Everything (working on it!).
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