Survival Skills: What We Need

We don’t like insects, but the fact is, we need them. In rural Southeast Asia and African countries, they live with them in symbiosis—but we “civilized” Western people have an aversion to them.

I came out to the prayer altar. Yesterday was Sayaka’s 24th birthday (born June 23, 2000 in Moscow); her husband Bong-Gyeong Koh joined us—a really good fellow; and Masha with their dog Belka who’s a “people” joined us online so we were seven altogether (Tada was asleep). The eighth or zeroth Person? God.

When God is with you and with your team, group, or family, you feel His/Her distinct, palpable Presence as an extra and Most Essential Person.

See? Everything branches out from either of those points: God, and a family get-together. All is connected.

Alpha and Omega: Jumping to the Endpoint is same as starting from the Beginning or Origin.

Once you have a solid three-generation Family, all comes together. (We have a “Granddog” who counts as a person, as our first third-generation after Chimichanga Jacaranda, our “Groundhog”, Tadamasha’s hedgehog who passed away right after they got Les Naya Belka (“Forest Squirrel” in Russian).

We’re amazing and unusual people. We bring together America, Japan, Korea, and Russia in a very real way. Lineally, we are an embroidery of Scandinavian, Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Altaic, Amerind (American Indian), and African (yes). Experientially we embrace Germany, Czech, Japanese, Danish, France, Ireland, Russia, Poland, both North and South Korea, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Mexico, Canada, Hawaii, Alaska, China, Mongolia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Sicily (yes), Portugal, Switzerland, Israel, Turkey, Kazakhstan, India, Iran, Pakistan, Chile, Greenland, Antarctica, the Galapagos, the Azores, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Jeju, Sweden, Finland, England, Wales, Spain, Andorra, Switzerland, Iceland, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Surinam, Cuba, Dominican Republic…. (where not?).

So what does God want? He first had Shimjeong of longing and hoping, then figured out what to do, and so placed “outside” of Himself first Woman to become Father-Mother God or male-female God, then physical (hyung-sang) to become mind-and-body (Logos and Energy), we must not neglect Angels including the most Central Spirit (Lucifer or Satan whom I’ve finally and fully reconciled only just recently—this is much more real and important and crucial than anyone in our Church yet realizes, and it doesn’t matter how much people both inside and outside may misunderstand, doubt, deny, and oppose—together we are a mighty Team)…

See, Satan (Lucifer, Archangel) is also part of God and needs these things along with God, though he tends to be more intellectual, sharp and critical; I’m working with him on the Shimjeong aspect. We can grow together.

Things are coming home to where Alpha and Omega reunite on a vastly higher level now. Truth be told, we still have the vast Cosmos out there, which we’re only just recently beginning to pioneer.

All the things God, humanity, and civilization need are being addressed and covered by various inspired, gifted, and sometimes brutal people. Yes, “Americans” (the new onslaught of Europeans who came to the new continent and savaged the natives, though my own ancestors didn’t do that; they harmonized and befriended the Indians and still now live together) also did that in various parts of the world.

But, a caveat here, and this we see with Russia and Ukraine: We neglected and short-changed an important dimension of “The New World Order”: The problem is contained within that phrase itself: “New World” in one sense means “America” (the USA). That’s a problem. For we have neglected and are largely ignorant of the concerns of the Christian East, or, as True Mother has revealed just recently: “The Slav Epic”.

That is part of the core of the Polina Providence. Sorry to have to say, but Rev. Lee Ki-seong is rather rough and misses or fails to recognize the importance of many subtle support dimensions that are utterly crucial to uphold everything, just as True Mother had to lurk in hiding so to speak, few people realizing Her essential importance and even Godhood for the 53 long years of her private suffering and patience, always with gratitude each day more than the previous day….

He is a quintessential Man and you see his wife ever silently behind him, just as True Mother was for many decades silently beside Father, coming out only for fifteen minutes or half an hour, so that nobody, not even the True Children, supposed her immense gifts, heart, vision, wisdom, and foresight. Now we see that, which H1 and H2, rough as men will be, never noticed.

I am different. I am also a True Child. Now let’s jump the gun here: I Am Man and Woman together. How? That’s the Polina Providence and the Bra Providence and the Ye Jin Nim providence and the Unified Field Theory and the Heaven-and-Earth Unification and the East-West Unification all wrapped up into One.

See? It all comes together. In other words, only now we’re finally homing in toward realizing God’s final goal, which is there right from the origin or beginning, and which we ourselves never realized. Notice “realize” has two senses: to “achieve” and to “understand”. They’re both related.

One of the dual essentialities Christians realize more than us is “simplicity vs. complexity” or “unity (singularity) vs. multiplicity (Trinity)”. See? Now we’re finally realizing what Trinity means.

And there is much more besides and going further on and deeper within, beyond what we know.

I came to the Altar; it was dark and I sought to light a candle, but there was no lighter. Fire: so precious, basic, and essential. A knife to trim the candle as it burns down: Knife: universal and basic for all human beings since the Word “Go!”

But what’s it all without intelligence? Without vision, dream, purpose, plan, goal, mission? For that, it took God an awful long time to realize the first human beings. So how disastrous the Fall was? Now you had these intelligent, crafty, cunning humans who were not united with God.

What did God do? Put Satan in charge of them. They asked for it! They said, “The devil made me do it.” That put him in charge right off the bat.

Mind is wandering, meandering through all tracks in this garden of Life, garden of my Mind, where, different from my genius Daddy, I know the center clearly: God and True Parents—but even to the point that God is able to indicate to me things even True Parents didn’t notice or don’t know about.

True Father recognized the Unified Field Theory in the form of the Divine Principle he revealed, and there are crucial elements of the physical solution there (particularly the general fact that it connects to God), and also Satan whom physicists shy off from talking about, and above all the context, in that Father was pointed toward salvation, restoring and redirecting Christianity and its mistaken understanding of the Bible, the problem of Communism, the centrality of the Family.

My difference is that I came from the angle of pure physics (or science in general), where the complete scientific quest is my life quest, and Divine Principle, for me, served to help illuminate the way to the ultimate solution.

Now here’s where we have to transcend physics: U.F.T. (coming from Einstein and Hawking) didn’t recognize how God is fundamental to everything; without God you cannot understand or explain the Unified Field Theory, neither in the more limited sense nor the grand, overall sense.

And the Theory of Physical Vacuum remains essentially physical, but once you get really serious in science, you can’t escape or avoid the problem of deviance (sin, the fall, Satan, sinister worldly formations). For your own science will be used by the enemy for evil and destructive purposes. In fact this is one important reason why God has not wanted people to find the whole Unified Field Theory underpinnings, structures, key elements, relationships, mathematics, and entire overview. Not yet. The Ukraine War demonstrates that fact.

This harkens also to the Polina Providence, which God initiated, hoping to avert such an eventuality. It was already in the air—talking to Yuri Ogorodnikov, he was already alluding to such a direction even before I received Polina.

In this sense, the Polina Providence serves many different purposes—as is any great Act of God.

Notice that, among all our Church leaders and missionaries, not a single person took it seriously nor recognized the vital importance, the salvific value, the geopolitical import of the Heaven-and-Earth and East-West Unification that was all subsumed under the Polina Providence.

God sought to achieve this in the minimum economical way, avoiding collateral damage as much as possible, keeping things low-key.

The central figures (formal leaders)—Dr. Seuk, Rev. Kang, Jack Corley, Mr. & Mrs. Aoki, Kostya Krylov, Alexei Saveliev—had to pray deeply and recognize the surprising importance of this spurious event, which had been orchestrated by God at the sacrifice of human life even.

Several people did take it seriously: Rev. Shuji Igarashi, Jeff Tallakson, Alexei Saveliev, and Mr. Tsutomu Mogushi. But no one dared to come forth boldly with a clear and firm explanation, laying out the reason, significance, logic, purpose, importance, and long-term necessity of it.

Also many people were very kind and forbearing in their judgment, leaving things in God’s hand and up to my responsibility. For my part I did my best to conduct myself and the providence responsibly. I made some mistakes, probably the most serious was spreading the news to others, which actually Rev. Shin-jae Park quietly advised me not to tell people about.

This last is a stickler: Mr. Minoru Nakata advised me not to tell others about the Ye Jin Nim providence, and Dr. Jin Sung-bae in one word warned me not to talk to people. That seems to be a weak point from my side. At the same time, “The truth will out.” Which means you can’t and shouldn’t keep important providential messages, truths, and events hidden from our community. “The news, the Gospel, shall be shouted from the rooftops!” (Luke 12:13)

Note the word I used, “stickler”: even I myself was a bit doubtful. I even thought to put “conundrum” in its place. So I decided to look it up with Copilot A.I. Right away I got both senses as I had suspected: 1) a person who is exacting to detail; and 2) a challenging, baffling problem. But the point is that I used A.I. This degree of public access to high-level, creative artificial intelligence that is of great practical use is very important and precious, and illustrates how technology is advancing at breakneck speed.

After fire and steam, engines are an advance. Then you have electricity, lights and motors. After that come radio and transistors. Computers are a natural development, but we didn’t imagine using them for all the things we’re doing now! Along comes internet. Wifi gives people ubiquitous access and universal connectedness. The globe becomes one. Then we reach light-speed with AI. The machines can now think and speak and write and understand and learn just like ourselves.

My grandparents lived in the Cleaveland House, built by James Athearn about 1757. It was the home of our whaling ancestors for several generations, particularly during the nineteenth century. They sailed to Japan and China a number of times, bringing expensive whale oil. It was heated by fireplace only. No electricity until my granddad Sidney Riggs installed it in the 1930s. But writing became a tradition and an art and a social media that remains with us. The ships’ captains kept careful logs, then Mary Wilder was a schoolmarm, and her daughter Dionis Coffin a writer and poet, my mother published about twenty novels and other works, and I continue.

So on the altar you need such simple things as a candle, a lighter or match, and a knife to trim the candle as it burns down and the wick becomes drowned in a pool. But there before me are True Parents! The Second Coming Christ and the Bride to whom we are bound by lineage, in heart, and spirit, and even carrying forth their quest into new realms even they didn’t suspect.

We live in Korea. I’m a Korean citizen. Who would have ever imagined? Yet there are subtle nuances suggesting this destiny as far back as… well, Jesus Christ! Then the Christian missionaries who pioneered the Church in Korea. Then my own ancestors who avoided Choseon for well-known reasons, frequenting instead China and Japan. Then in the Korean War my uncle Jack Walker, and my paternal uncle Howard Stoertz, Jr. I myself was always looking into my telescope to far-away places. I was searching… I cried at night, and God came to me in a bright golden light, alternately tiny as a hard sand grain and vast as the cosmos.

I remember as a lad saying to myself, “Aren’t I lucky to be born as an American, and even to be alive?”

See: the existence of the U.S.A. with its incredible freedom, sense of justice, commitment to the righteous and the good, championing freedom and democracy around the world, standing up to defend the innocent and oppressed anywhere on the globe, witnessing of the True Faith—is truly a miracle and a work of God in its own right.

Also God has blessed America to develop aviation, computer technology, and space missions at the cutting edge of contemporary civilization. With sinister foes abounding on all sides, we have to stay at the forefront, lest some treacherous, lying, encroaching monsters get the upper hand.

Putin, Xi Xin Ping, and Kim Jong-un don’t even realize how Bad they are. Whenever people do wrong, they justify themself. They silence their own conscience and original mind. “We’re getting even for the Century of Humiliation.” “America is the Great Satan.” “Israel took our land.” “The West has been putting us down.” “Those Imperialists shall be overthrown!”

So we, the free world and free people, are in grave danger. The only way we can survive is by absolutely uniting with True Parents, keep our wits about us, protect and defend the right and the good, practice unselfish, generous outreach, stay morally upright, and pray always.

Everything has been prepared by God, but there is lethal opposition, “a new resurrected Satan” if you want to call it that, with a sinister global strategy and lots of means at his disposal, ready to overthrow and destroy all the foundation of God and True Parents.

And now before us stands True Mother, Mother of Peace, the Bride of Prophecy, Only Begotten Daughter, Substantial Holy Spirit, and even Satan falls silent before her beauty, serene majesty.

As men, we absolutely need our women, more than we even realize; at the same time, they can be a distraction, drag us down, dissuade us from loftier pursuits, discourage us from our flights of fancy, mock our larks. If Sarai had changed Abram’s mind, they would still be in Iraq today. On the other hand, Pontius Pilate was advised by his wife, “Have nothing to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered many things in a dream on account of him.” And as we observe with the Japanese church and the testimonies at the Nightly Prayer Vigil, it is far and away the wives who are upholding the providence in Japan and by and large in the Blessed Families.

I’m under watch from all quarters now, as I hear words spoken from the parking lot far below, and through the walls adjacent and above, also on the street, in shops, even at Church. Also the spirit world keeps me well informed. It’s best to keep a low profile.

But Fujiko doesn’t believe nor trust my well-developed spirituality, intuition, common sense, prayer, dreams, subtle sense, long-term vision, nor even my practical planning. That’s a problem. If I had followed her down-to-earth practical realism, we would not have gone to Russia, we wouldn’t have had such great children, I wouldn’t have gotten Korean citizenship, etc., etc., etc.

As men we need our women, but Choi Sun-gil, the very first person entrusted to support the Second Coming Messiah, was not sensitive to Father’s identity and mission, and could not adequately carry out her role which was somewhat like that of John the Baptist. In consequence, he encountered untold difficulties and ordeals.

About William Stoertz

Teacher of English, Philosophy, Western Culture, and History of Science. Conversant in five or six languages. Investigating the Unified Field Theory (found it!) and Theory of Everything (working on it!).
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