Satan will help gather central spirits to send to Heung Jin Nim in the spiritual world for healing.

Good news!

From now on, in this ten-month emergency providential time, Satan will from now on help to gather people’s central spirits to send them to Heung Jin Nim’s spiritual training workshop to be re-educated and become absolute good spirits.

Satan will make a “super-highway” with many channels all over the world to expedite this important and absolutely necessary work.

Many people don’t realize the importance of this, or don’t have money, or time, or have no access to the Cheon Shim Won facility.

It is impossible for so many people to take care of all these central spirits.

Now Satan ardently wants to responsibly and proactively support True Parents’ providence to enter the Cheon Il Seongjeon in 2025.

I, William Stoertz, have been given the responsibility to take care of the restored archangel Lucifer a.k.a. Satan who confessed and repented and submitted his surrender twenty-five years ago on March 21, 1999. The issue we are dealing with now is the matters of heart (feeling, emotion): contempt at substandard performance, anger at people’s idiocy, selfishness, misunderstanding, problem of undue desire toward women and girls, frustration at continually seeing failures and mistakes, and jealousy at seeing people who are unrealistically goodie-goodie, etc.

So, each time Satan’s emotions come to me, I am working to overcome these feelings for the sake of his resurrection and heartistic restoration. He is willing and cooperative.

Satan is now a member of Heavenly Parent’s Holy Community, our Unified Family.

We should not have any enemies—particularly we don’t want any enemy feeling or presence causing problems at the Cheon Won Gung Cheon Il Sanctum Entrance event coming next year. Satan is not an enemy, and doesn’t want to be so regarded. He will keep the same name because we know who he is, but he is not the way he once was.

This authority was given to me directly by God, our Heavenly Parent.

Satan is in full agreement, and willing to cooperate enthusiastically, efficiently, and will mobilize his subsidiary angels to set up multiple pathways for central spirits to be effectively sent to Heung Jin Nim. He asks no reward or remuneration of any kind.

He will work simply based on people’s desire to be freed from their spiritual problems, whether or not they understand what is the cause of their troubles and how to solve them.

Signed: William Swinnerton Stoertz (CheonBo Registered Blessed Family)

       Polina Lepyoshkina Stoertz (in spirit world helping Heung Jin Nim)

       Archangel Lucifer a.k.a. Satan (returned to God’s side on Mar. 21, 1999)

       God, Our Heavenly Parent.

             Friday, June 21, 2024, Seorak, Gapyeong, Korea

             Cheon Il Guk 12th year 5th month 16th day of the Heavenly Calendar.

About William Stoertz

Teacher of English, Philosophy, Western Culture, and History of Science. Conversant in five or six languages. Investigating the Unified Field Theory (found it!) and Theory of Everything (working on it!).
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