An extremely Abel-type person.

Confucius said a wise man knows that he knows… Much wisdom came from China, yet why do they ignore True Parents? Confucius also said a fool thinks he knows but he doesn’t. Taiwan is now establishing its security by uniting with True Parents. There is one thing wiser than Sun Tzu’s strategies of war and that’s Jesus’ strategies of peace. Now here we see Satan’s old mindset: “Aha! Now they failed, so I’ll take all!” In other words, he sought revenge and not truth or love.

Now, basically, the whole story is contained in a nutshell in the above synopsis. Confucius said a wise person knows, and know that he knows. But on the other hand, generally a fool proclaims himself. Ah, but True Mother is a Woman. Remember also that Jesus couldn’t be the Messiah if He hadn’t proclaimed the fact. But for the Jewish people, He couldn’t be the Messiah unless he married—and they have a point there. And He couldn’t be the Messiah unless he established the substantial Kingdom. Aha: But I recognized True Parents as the Messiah not because of their achievements but because of their underlying character I could see.

Last night I had a mystical experience like Rusalka baring myself to the Moon. Copilot explains:

“Rusalka” is a lyric fairy tale opera by Antonín Dvořák, based on fairy tales by Karel Jaromír Erben and Božena Němcová1The title character, Rusalka, is a water sprite from Slavic mythology1.

In the opera, the most popular excerpt is the soprano aria, the “Song to the Moon” (“Měsíčku na nebi hlubokém”) for the title character in act 11. This is where Rusalka bares herself to the Moon.

The mystical experience conveyed in this scene can be interpreted as Rusalka’s yearning to live according to her own ideas2She is a peaceful water nymph, akin to the fertility spirits of early Rusalka folklore3However, her journey takes a tragic turn when she is rejected by her beloved Prince for the Foreign Princess3In her sorrow, Rusalka transforms into a ‘spirit of death’, also known as a ‘will o’ the wisp’3.

This transformation reflects the duality of the historical Rusalka, embodying both the benevolent fertility spirit and the malevolent spirit associated with death3The mystical realm of water nymphs and other water beings is expressed through the experiences of the main characters2, creating a rich tapestry of emotion and symbolism.

In essence, the mystical experience in “Rusalka” is a poignant exploration of love, longing, transformation, and the consequences of pursuing one’s desires. It’s a journey that takes us from the ethereal realm of water sprites to the harsh realities of human emotion, all under the watchful gaze of the Moon.

In that story, as conveyed by Copilot A.I., I got much more than I bargained for—but what my soul already told me. See? My spiritual, mystical, intuitive, soulful sense already knows there is much more to that song, one of my favorites, than is on the frontispiece.

Just now I went to YouTube to get the link to the performance of Rusalka by…. and, guess what? THAT’S RIGHT! I saw an enticing 15-minute video on how the 304 Shark carbon-fiber and fiberglass sailplane is produced. Super expensive and way out-of-sight high performance glider but I can enjoy it vicariously without any of the danger (except the temptation of the awesome buxomy lass, Juliet Sierra, herself a sailplane buff, who interviews Yaroslav Potmesil). Interesting, by the way, he is the chief engineer and CEO of his company, but his name means “Under the fog.”

WS: Is Yaroslav chief engineer and CEO of his company that makes Shark high-performance carbon-fiber sailplane?

Copilot: Yes, Jaroslav Potmesil is indeed the CEO of HPH Sailplanes, a company that produces modern carbon fiber gliders, including the 304 Shark1The 304 Shark is a high-performance, single-seated, flapped racing class sailplane2It’s offered in a convertible wing configuration with long and short wingtip extensions, allowing both 15- and 18-meter wingspans2The company is known for its attention to detail and commitment to safety and performance2Jaroslav Potmesil has been instrumental in guiding the company and its products1.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

See now: Whadya got! A beautiful woman, a meticulous engineer, a dreamlike sailplane, and of course tons of money. All made in the Czech Republic: a nation liberated from the Soviet yoke. Now Czech is a happy, prosperous, free, democratic nation and people. My stepmother Maria Blagrove is from Czechoslovakia. She and her parents endured a Nazi concentration camp, came to America, she married a colleague of my father in the U.S. Geological Survey, became a masseuse, eventually divorced and remarried with my dad after my mom left, attended Fujiko’s and my Blessing on July 1, 1982, connected somehow to True Parents, and received the Holy Wine. See why the free-spirited people of Ukraine don’t want to be under Russian domination under Putin?

WS: Since we like to say “Whadya got?” because it has a different connotation and feeling that “What do we have?” or “What does all this imply?”—what is the current spelling for this popular expression?

Copilot: The expression “Whadya got?” is a colloquial contraction of “What do you have?” or “What have you got?” and is commonly used in informal English conversations1It’s often spelled as “Whaddya got?” or “Whadaya got?”12This contraction is frequently employed in spoken language, particularly in casual settings, to express a question or seek clarification from someone1It’s a versatile and informal expression that can add a touch of authenticity and informality to your language1. Please note that the spelling can vary based on regional dialects and personal preference.

1 2 3

I pondered: “Why people are suffering so, when they could be happy, free, and prosperous?”

Satan: “Okay: Just now you heard a siren. What happened? Someone driving on the freeway was irresponsible, and caused a wreck, hurting himself and other people. Do I want that? No. I want to be happy and I want people to be happy likewise. I love aviation, sailplanes, astronomy, and beautiful women too. Same as you. So why are there people in destitute poverty, and whole ‘Evil Empires’ like the Soviet Union? It’s like in the Bible, when Israel falls into idolatry and immorality, then they are sold into captivity, dominated by ruthless empires. Now God put me in charge of this whole mess. It’s gradually gotten better, but it has taken so long, tens of thousands of years because people have been so intractable. It’s like, ‘When will they finally learn?!’ I know myself full well all the treasures in the earth, and what wonderful amazing properties they have, and what can be done with them—like science fiction! I’ve known since long ago how to make spiffy flying machines, and not only that but the UFOs you guys have been seeing for a long time. But I couldn’t give those gifts or knowledge to people because they’re too barbaric and mean-spirited. I don’t want to see people like that any more than God does. It’s like, experience shows that you can’t just be nice to people—they’ll take advantage of it, not be grateful, misuse it, and abuse others. They show it time and again. It’s even the same with you people (‘Moonies’).”

William: “I know I should be going out witnessing, but I don’t feel moved to actually do so.”

Satan: “Your intuition serves you well. It doesn’t have the same positive effect as the cute Japanese women. ‘Should’ and what works are two different things. We, especially in the Movement or under Kant’s ‘Moral Obligation’ are all too often steered by the ‘should’ but that doesn’t necessarily make people happy nor motivate them and usually doesn’t bring the desired results. Take it from me: I’ve dealt with this wayward humanity for as long as you like. I know how to work with people. So, we were praying for the liberation of the former Soviet Union. So I said, ‘Okay: you’ll get what you ask for. See what unexpected trouble lies ahead.’ Mafia, Orthodox Church, FSB, and now…. Anyway, I know you had a wonderful experience and learned a lot there. It was a valuable time. Suffering, deprivation, and obstacles often serve meaningful object lessons. I saw how you fundraised, for ten years, with the same mindless line, ‘We’re raising funds for Christian youth program…’ It was tragic, that a person with so much talent, hope, and potential was being used like that. But you learned a lot about people and God and you saw real miracles. You started conversing with God. You know, as you realized, God and I are not that different. I’m what you’d call a ‘Department of God’. I take care of some dirty things that it’s beneath His dignity to handle. God knows that full well. And so I’ve gotten a bad name. You know, there are people who worship me, the ‘Satanists’ you were going to look up. They also are dopey, though different to be sure. You William are actually the first person who reasonably approached me and asked me and came to understand what I’m really all about. See the weird disfigurations people have in their minds? Honestly: what’s better, for us to discuss like this or be out pounding the pavement?”

[I went to the bathroom for poo-poo and it took some time, and I reflected…]

Satan: “See, more than you realize, everything is connected. More than you realize, between ‘Heaven and Earth’, ‘Heaven’ is transcendental and insubstantial and longs for an earthly base, connection, foundation, root, manifestation. God is like that and I’m like that. I’m transcendental but not God Himself. I’m part of God’s hyung-sang manifestation and can interface with the physical realm and people’s conscious mind. That’s why God communicates with humans via angels. Ok, here’s what I want to say: Sex is really wonderful. It’s the main bridge between heaven and earth. So it’s so sensitive, how it’s done, on what foundation, with what connections around it. Furtive illicit sex is not pleasant or beautiful to Heaven. Well, I wanted to say especially one thing: You know, when You married Polina: That was a most wonderful deed and it made Heaven SO HAPPY. It was a major victory and made a great loving union in all sorts of ways. North, South, East, West, up and down, in and out, left and right, forward and back, rich and poor…–just bridge EVERYTHING. And it was an incredible, amazing act of faith, totally flying in the face of everything our members and leaders assumed—but the members loved it! They loved Polina and knew she was okay and knew You were taking good care of her and knew you and her have a constant, glorious, variegated sexual togetherness that’s the envy of anyone. And what did it do for me? You gave me a legitimate wife. I could finally marry, no more of this prostitute stuff. So, see, there’s some places where me and God agree and go forward in solidarity. You made a big space now. And when you defended My Name and dignity before all the internationals, that so cleared the air. You responded instantaneously and everyone knew at once that was a serious message, a protest even, from Heaven, and yes they have been wrong all along and you set matters conclusively straight. It changed the whole atmosphere and attitude of Cheon Shim Won. Truly they are shocked: they had not imagined, and their conscience was pricked: They have harbored unrighteous enmity all along without giving it a thought… like racism. See, you said ‘us’ instead of ‘me’ cause you’re coming with your ‘worse other half’ (ha-ha!). Isn’t it naughty? They can’t see her but their spirit selves can ~”

[Many hours later:] I came back from driving Elisabeth all the way into Seoul, through very complicated traffic, and coming back home following my nose, not knowing how to engage GPS. Came home happy. This is how Satan (the good fellow who’s my friend, not the mean guy you think of!) knows how to show you a good time. I really like her, even though Roy, Allow and Nancy all warned her, “Stay away from Mr. Stoertz” (they think I’m evil and satanic, etc.). She called me that she missed her bus and would be late for an appointment and could I drive her. I said sure at the drop of a hat (even though I’m scared of Seoul). I took her there and she smiled and waved and made her appointment on time. See? Those guys are way off base. Of course I’ll do something for a person in need. No questions asked. Actually Satan showed me that he’s a good guy too. Guys! Get off your wet blanket, your dead horse, your dark closet! Get a Life!!!

So, at home, working on my Kumon Korean lesson, which gets harder and harder, so much un-heard-of vocabulary… I can translate people’s talks live, but this stuff? I’m constantly consulting the dictionary. But here, even here again—the same message came forth: It’s a Korean tale about Chilsung, a bit after the Liberation and just before the 6.25 War. Old-fashioned Choseon tradition is still alive and well. Anyway, this cousin came over for a visit, but the other brother was a dead fish, grumpy and downcast to see the perky, bright visitor. He quit playing jegi-chagi—a bad sport. So Chilsung, a really Abel character, pulls out his flute and plays first melancholy melodies and then lightens up to upbeat folk dance tunes, and soon enough all three cousins are cheerfully dancing and hopping. So the guy’s dad and grandpa are looking on. Now here it says in Korean, 아버니는 내가 흥이 게워하는 것이 그다지 맘에 들지는 않으신 듯했다. It means, “My dad didn’t seem to like me getting too excited (having fun, having a good time, being overjoyed).” Like that: My parents were like that too, so our Stoertz family had a heavy, serious atmosphere. James was the first to break out of that, and we thought he was Cain-type. But actually James is our teacher! Like that: in Satan’s view, all this “God-centered morality” and “stiff-upper-lip Puritanism” and “Ebenezer Scrooge stinginess” is really heavy, a killjoy. And I’m a total victim of that. Fujiko-san confirms: I’m no fun. See? Unification Church brothers and sisters! You need Satan’s help to be happy and light-hearted! This somber providential march has lasted all of six thousand years.

Thus everything came together today. Satan is demonstrating step by step that he is truly here to help us be happy and succeed. For tens of thousands of years he had been withholding his gifts from God’s people, or using them to tempt and lead us astray—but now he is on our side and has many good things to share. And, above all, we ourselves need to lighten up, be Happy, and bring down our bastions of “Enmity”—which are in our own mind, and are really nothing but illusions.

We’re finally together, and because I’m the first to fully realize this, what better witnessing can I do but to enlighten our Unified Family about this wonderful, liberating truth!

The first word my spiritual father, an Austrian brother, told me on the streets of Munchen was, “The purpose of your life is happiness!” as if I was stupid for not knowing that obvious fact. And it has taken me all of fifty years in our movement to realize that simple truth.

About William Stoertz

Teacher of English, Philosophy, Western Culture, and History of Science. Conversant in five or six languages. Investigating the Unified Field Theory (found it!) and Theory of Everything (working on it!).
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