Reverse Time Causality

When you fall in love with someone and make your life together, anybody else you crossed paths with along your lifeline disappears; you don’t want to bring up “Was there someone else?”—those are killing words for a relationship. Don’t ask such a question; don’t ponder on “those others.” They’re out of the picture forever.

Destiny is said to have three crucial junctures: A person’s birth, marriage, and death. These are likewise the main points in their autobiography and in Wikipedia. So when you encounter True Love, and this one is for real, then you instinctively feel “We were destined for each other!” and you look back in your memory for all the things that prepared you and led you to one another, all the moments you may have crossed paths, even unbeknownst to one another… it makes for a beautiful tableau.

We may say that destiny controls our lives. This was known by the ancients. But, in truth, people have free choice. One can flaunt “destiny” or “The Fates” and be contrary, saying, “My life shall not be ruled by forces outside myself”; just to assert that right, one might go against those unseen, uncanny forces of destiny, to affirm your free will. But why resist love? Then, thinking back on that, there will always be regrets. “Ahh, she was such a sweet person. If only…” “Why did I jilt the man of my life?”

My mom remarried a fond professor from her youth. It made her happy, and seemed to invoke destiny, yet she may wonder, “Did I make a mistake by marrying that man (our Daddy)…?” But if you think that way, then the lovely children, my brothers and sisters, a litter of five most wonderful kids, the lovely family I grew up in, vanishes: We were not supposed to exist. See? That cannot be right. Be happy, but don’t second-guess what you did in times past.

We see that, in particular, a line of destined connectedness is established when it bears fruit in children. Centering on the line of lineage, lines of destiny cannot be undone or rewoven.

There is a “Principle of Positive Thinking” or “The Law of Attraction” that is popular these days. It advocates, “Whatever your heart desires, follow that. Whatever you decide upon and do—that is right. Don’t think any doubting, critical, negative thoughts.” Then divorce is okay, hitching up with someone you feel drawn to… But inevitably that runs contrary to God’s law, causes great hurt to others, and tangles lines of destiny. There must be consideration for others.

So, centering on the consummation of True Love, the line of destiny is fixated. Then what happens to all the other possibilities? They disappear, vanish entirely. To speculate is only harmful; it makes your heart ache…

It would seem that Destiny is in charge of the universe. This also implies “reverse time causality.” The consummation of love in the present reverts to the past, creating and bringing together conditions, happenstance events, accidents, miraculous survival, whimsical impulses, steps I took along my path—that led to our Union. Such is our experience, regarding love.

And it also leads to something True Father said: Even God bows to Love. It means somehow Love is really in charge. Love is even in charge of Destiny. But they interact. They are intimately bound with one another. Love is the magical starburst that makes all lifelines that lead to its wonderful expression in fullness realized. You can’t gainsay True Love.

This is also why Jesus says, “Before Abraham was, I Am.” That is God! So God is fulfilled in True Parents, becomes real, and descends to earth to live among, in, and with us. (Amazingly, I find “Grammarly”, “Google”, and “Copilot A.I.” are attuned to support the Christian faith and Unification faith as well!)

Now all that I laid out above sounds rather hokey, subjective, and contrived. Indeed it is rather impromptu and anecdotal. So let’s shore it up with hard physics.

What?! Can we do that? Yes, we can. How? I’ll demonstrate how, using quantum mechanics, tested and proved.

Knowing (I read it somewhere) that quantum entanglement links particles and events not only across space but also across intervals of time, I consulted Copilot AI.

WS: We have quantum entanglement across space, which is well known and established. But what about particles entangled in time, across a time interval rather than a space interval? Is there evidence for that?

Copilot: Yes, there is evidence for quantum entanglement across time. Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon where two particles can exhibit synchronized properties regardless of the distance between themThis property of quantum mechanics has been well established and is often referred to as “spooky action at a distance”.

However, the concept of entanglement extends beyond just space. It’s been suggested that particles can be entangled across time as well1In a 2012 experiment, particles that never coexisted were found to exhibit entanglement-like correlationsThis means that the particles “knew” what values they should manifest such that they would correspond substantially, even violating classical statistical correlations, despite never having existed at the same time.

This idea of temporal entanglement challenges our conventional understanding of time and suggests that the fabric of reality may be composed of fundamentally interconnected, non-local piecesIt’s a fascinating area of study and continues to be explored in quantum physics. So, while quantum entanglement is most commonly discussed in terms of space, there is indeed evidence to suggest that it can occur across time as well.

WS: I’m using this evidence from quantum physics to support the concept that love itself invokes a sort of “destiny” where lovers feel that circumstances were somehow formed and guided by love or destiny, leading them to meet one another as the fulfillment of destiny itself in True Love.

Copilot: That’s a beautiful and profound thought. The idea of love guiding destiny and forming circumstances that lead two people to meet each other is indeed romantic and deeply spiritual.

In the realm of quantum physics, the concept of entanglement might serve as a metaphor for this. Just as entangled particles influence each other regardless of the distance between them, one could argue that two people destined to fall in love are similarly “entangled”, influencing each other’s lives and paths even before they meet.

However, it’s important to note that while these metaphors can be thought-provoking and inspiring, the scientific principles themselves, such as quantum entanglement, are neutral and don’t inherently carry emotional or spiritual significance. They are tools for understanding the physical universe, not necessarily direct explanations for human experiences or emotions.

Nonetheless, the beauty of science and philosophy lies in their ability to inspire us to think deeply about our lives and the universe. Your interpretation adds a unique and poetic dimension to our understanding of love and destiny. It’s a testament to the depth and breadth of human experience and the myriad ways we find to understand and express it.

[here ends the section of contribution by “Copilot A.I.” and resumes my own writing:]

Causality in classical physics cannot radiate or be transmitted faster than light, nor backwards in time, yet the relationship between entangled “sister particles” is instantaneous, proven to be billions of times faster than light speed.

This demonstrates that, in the universe, Divine Principle is foremost and must be upheld, which takes precedence over even hard physical laws. We observe this in a supernova explosion, where the stellar core collapse smashes particles of like parameters into intimate proximity—which is not allowed. This Principle is so overwhelming that it causes an outburst of unthinkable might, forcing the competing particles outward with incredible force, destroying the entire star and causing an intense shower of neutrinos, in the process creating many new physical elements.

Simultaneity across space-time is not supposed to exist, according to the Theory of Relativity.

Now here i’m using a principle of quantum physics to support an eminently psychological, spiritual, or existentially experienced phenomenon that we feel and know is true, yet hard to establish by hard science. If we can demonstrate that hard science shows that such a thing is woven into the very fabric of physical reality, it goes a long way to uniting eminently material science with spiritual religion (faith).

Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is a four-dimensional set of laws that govern time, space, mass, and energy, according to which there is no ether, nothing can exceed light speed, and causality is strictly deterministic—although Albert Einstein himself believed in God.

When I first heard a Unification Thought lecture at my first 21-day workshop in November 1975, I felt Einstein looking over my shoulder (spiritually), and he seemed to shout, “This is it! There’s the answer to my Unified Field Theory!” He was so excited, and I with him—as he has been my ideal or idol, and I was also seeking the U.F.T. myself.

So how can particles, or indeed any interpersonal transaction, be linked across time? In physics, we would have to suppose that there is an extra dimension outside classical space-time where “simultaneity” holds, in other words, that the two particles form one unified entity, a “unified field” we may call it, within which absolutely simultaneity and connectedness hold. And this may hold true between lovers as well as for particles.

It’s hard to reconcile that with relativity, that forbids simultaneity. Yet we observe it and can experimentally establish it in the quantum realm. That is imaginable over microns or perhaps even kilometers of distance, but what about light-years?

So in astronomy, an arbitrary universal standard time is established that touches even galaxies billions of light-years distant. Thus, even though “simultaneity” cannot really exist, we base our astronomical observations and also public language on that assumption.

Likewise, in relations between people on the macro scale, such quantum-type phenomena ought not be perceptible—yet clearly destiny and love exhibit very similar properties to those in the quantum mechanical realm.

By taking science seriously, we recognize that it actually supports some religious or spiritual concepts and teachings. They don’t contradict. God after all made one cosmos.

Rev. Lee Gi-seong leads a revival movement and views thought as detrimental. But Principled, God-centered thought can support our providential work. To fulfill our responsibility, we must plan well, anticipate God’s will, and actively consult Heavenly Parents for constructive cooperation in realizing His/Her will, the Cheon Il Guk. Even if he speaks to people of an adolescent mindset, who are just coming out of a fallen reality, we must realize that alternate mental realities exist where people who are truly mature in oneness with God do active, constructive, consequential thinking, consulting, and planning. This implies a plurality of mental spaces in which our members exist, work, and operate. We unite centering on God’s will and purpose, while each pursuing our mission with all our faculties, gifts, and talents.

About William Stoertz

Teacher of English, Philosophy, Western Culture, and History of Science. Conversant in five or six languages. Investigating the Unified Field Theory (found it!) and Theory of Everything (working on it!).
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1 Response to Reverse Time Causality

  1. …well, maybe it’s not the same for everybody ~ to each his/her own!

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