Feb. 24, 2011 – “A man should never neglect family for business”

     Last night at family evening Hoon Dok Hae, with Fujiko-san and the girls gathered in the prayer room, we read Father’s autobiography, p. 84, the chapter entitled “A Command that Must Be Obeyed”.

     Father, in 1946, had headed out to pick up rice he had bought for his young family, when he received a revelation from God to go immediately to North Korea. Without returning home to tell his wife, he left straightaway for Pyongyang in Communist territory, where he began to preach.

     My 15-year-old daughter Masha looked at me and quoted Walt Disney: “A man should never neglect family for business.”

     She and I looked at each other and nodded knowingly, because yesterday we had been talking about that very point.

     Fujiko-san would have no part of that dialogue, because she is a “fundamentalist”, for whom Father is always right, no matter what.

     Well, our daughter is a Blessed Child with a good head on her shoulders, and my own father’s penetrating intellect, and she knows better without anyone telling her.

     Walt Disney is one of America’s most respected and beloved entrepreneurs, who invested himself, going bankrupt many times, to realize a wonderful dream: Disneyland and the famous Walt Disney Syndicate.

     If anyone, Disney is an icon of the entire period from the 1930s right up to the present, and had probably had more influence on movies, art, children’s books, and fashion than any other single person.

     Disney represents healthy, happy, prosperous family values, moral lessons, and folktale tradition.

     So, True Father comes as the Messiah… and shall we turn away from, throw away and abandon all other exemplary men and women, teachings, books, lessons, traditions, culture, languages, democracy?

     In fact, some Unificationists are of that faith and conviction. I would call them Fundamentalist Unificationists.

     We met many of these on MFT, where you focus upon nothing but the goal, Father’s words, the 40-day competition, the team spirit, with single-minded determination.

     Fundraising team members don’t read the Bible, or Steven Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, or Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. Those things are looked at askance.

     In my time, the only books were the Holy Song book, Divine Principle, and Way of God’s Will.

     By practicing absolute faith and single-minded dedication, we would accomplish miracles. It’s true — I experienced many incredible, unbelievable things!

     But many members graduated from MFT with resentment, complaint and accusation.

     We had almost universally neglected our families during our MFT stint — which could extend for as long as ten years. I did seven myself.

     Once upon a time, at age 14, Hyun Jin Nim snapped at Father, “Are you my parents or the Unification Church parents?”

     At that time, when Hyun Jin Nim was in his ascendancy, Dr. Seuk, our Continental Leader, told us this story in order to express how much True Parents had sacrificed their family for the public mission, and at the same time, how much the True Children had suffered.

     But, at the same time, in conveying such contents, a message is transmitted on two levels.

     There is a “politically correct” Unification Movement viewpoint; and at the same time, subterraneously, the soul of one man is appealing to the soul of another.

     In a way, it could be compared to the Communist official party line: “This is what we are supposed to believe. This is how the good Soviet Citizen thinks and practices.”

     I have often wondered and struggled, “Why are we not bringing results in witnessing?”

     I came to several conclusions over many years:

     1) Newly joined members find that we are not actually loving one another in the way that we present ourselves to new guests at workshops and witnessing centers.

     2) People desire freedom and happiness in their original minds, and perceive that they will be deprived of these things if they join this movement.

     3) There is an intense force of jealousy on the part of other members toward any person who brings a new guest or spiritual child.

     4) The subconscious of a witnessing member is subliminally speaking to the subconscious of a guest, “Look at me: I’ve gotten into this. But please don’t you do likewise…”

     5) We are not living a well balanced lifestyle — denying our body, denying our family, denying society, denying the world.

     Now, Jesus Christ exhorted his disciples to be prepared to deny these things for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

     In this sense and in some others, the Unification Church is truly practicing Jesus’ teachings better than anyone else.

     However, not in all ways are we superior to other churches, other societies, other families, other corporations.

     In other words, we are better in some ways but not all, and therefore we stand to learn from others and improve ourselves.

     In other words, we all must live in one world together in a state of healthy balance and give-and-take.

     We need each other.

     Especially, we need our families.

     The time eventually comes, after graduating from the MFT, when we should return to our homes and do “Home Church”.

     But how can we win the hearts of people whom we have been denying, when, in fact, ultimately we depend on these people more than anyone else?

     We find ourselves in the position to return home with a deep apology, lots of lost ground to make up for, lots of indemnity to pay.

     This situation applies even within the True Family.

     Even in the True Family, the heartistic damage done by years of neglect and sacrifice for the sake of the public mission has to be undone, restored, and healed.

     If not, then we see phenomena happening within the Blessed Families and even the True Family where a family member leaves with bitterness.

     “A man should never neglect family for business.”

     Walt Disney was after all right; and my daughter, a 2nd gen., was perceptive enough to recognize and point this out.

About William Stoertz

Teacher of English, Philosophy, Western Culture, and History of Science. Conversant in five or six languages. Investigating the Unified Field Theory (found it!) and Theory of Everything (working on it!).
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2 Responses to Feb. 24, 2011 – “A man should never neglect family for business”

  1. James Kovic says:

    If I may make a seemingly minor criticism–and other people might disagree–your use of one sentence paragraphs may be more appropriate for those who will easily lose interest quickly with a topic such as this but I believe the topic you’re discussing is far from boring. What you’re talking about is very important. Hard, of course, for most Unification Church members (of which I used to count myself as one) to accept but very truthful nonetheless. The format you’ve chose, nevertheless, is inconsequential in comparison to the message you’re expressing. A man (or woman for that matter) should never neglect his or her family for business. Period, end of sentence.

    I’m learning that lesson the hard way right now. Since leaving the church in 1995 (unofficially and quite subtle as a matter of fact) following an incident at the Seminary in which I was beat up by Hyo-Jin, I have been reunited with a child-hood friend of mine. She is very much the epitome of someone who is very socially active, loves her parents and brothers and sisters and is exemplifying everything that Reverend Moon has ever taught us concerning family relationships. Yet, she never joined the church nor would she never ever think of doing something like that. However, despite the fact that she didn’t involve herself in a religious organization other than the Catholic Church with which she was born into, she, a forty five year old woman, has developed into every bit as much of the example of a balanced human being, emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically, that every one of us strives to be. Oh, she’s by far not perfect. She has her share of flaws, of course. But she has shown me something very profound about human relationships.

    Sometimes, you don’t need to leave home to find love or the meaning of life or why we’re all here. All of that should be sought no further than you’re own skin. Life is local just as all politics is. When life is lived internally so that you can find peace within then you will undoubtedly find peace without.

    Isn’t this what Reverend Moon teach? Then why hasn’t his children learned this lesson? Why haven’t Unification Church members learned and fully embodied this lesson? Why haven’t Unification Church members been able to persuade other people to join? It can only be for one obvious reason. We aren’t discovering Love within ourselves. When we seek love without we will always fail. Plain and simple.

    May I suggest to all of you reading this to consider as supplemental reading to your study of the Divine Principle (If you still do study the brown or black book), an equally (or more….hmmmm, shutter the thought!!!) profound book called, “A Course In Miracles” published by “The Foundation Of Inner Light” back around the time that Reverend Moon was touring the United States for the first time in the mid sixties. Of all it express, I believe that it goes to the heart of why human suffering exists. Before I read this I had assumed that Guatama Buddha came the closest to solving that problem but (and here’s the clinker) Jesus does a much better (and more succinct job at it.

    Yes, this is the wisdom of Jesus. Just as it’s controversial that Reverend Moon is the messiah from the perspective of non members, Jesus is communicating to us from the higher dimensions of reality to go over the heads of those he entrusted to express his teaching and set the record straight about what he taught.

    Don’t believe this could be possible. Fine, you don’t have to. But, that doesn’t mean you should avoid reading this important book. You don’t need to be a Christian or believe that Jesus lived 2,000 years ago. All you are required to do is to be curious about why you, a human being, are suffering in the myriad ways in which you do this unfathomable deed. God does not judge you and He does not make you suffer. No one makes you suffer. You, yourself, have chosen to do this. So, when you take responsibility for that admit that the buck stops here then you are ready to make the existential journey towards healing and release from this insanity called the manner in which you perceive yourself and the world around you.

    Thanks for the opportunity to voice my views on this subject.

    • Dear James, This is William ~ so much water under the bridge. I never looked through all my comments before. I just happened upon yours. I’d say that as time passes I’m coming more and more into agreement with what you’ve written here. Now I see a new cult developing inside our Church, a kind of re-brainwashing thing. Maybe we need it, maybe… But these things do damage their own way. The phenomenon of brutalism even inside our core family has been perpetuated and now you see it on a broader scale. No matter what anyone tells us, it is up to ourselves to filter that according to intuition, common sense, conscience, humanism, right principles, consultation with decent people, and prayer (meditation). The move to criticize creative personal thinking can never be good. It raises a new surge of narrow-mindedness that borders on fascism. Thanks for writing. Now thirteen years have passed, and I’m thinking about what you wrote, and I’m sure you’re moving along in life and your thoughts too. We always had great talks, you and me, didn’t we? from William, always a friend

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